As you search for vendors to help you execute your meeting, be sure your event RFP reflects the support and planning you need to cover all possible angles regarding meeting format.
Today, we’re sharing 6 questions to add to your event RFP for audio visual providers, and why they matter. We break AV planning down into three parts: strategy, technology, and execution.
1. Strategy Event RFP Questions
Are you there from the beginning?
Your AV provider can no longer be just a vendor, they need to be a true strategic partner. And especially in today’s event landscape, they need to be proactive and anticipate anything that might be thrown your way. You should partner with a company that is going to be with you from the very beginning planning stages – no matter how early you start – instead of working on their own timeline.
Does the contract address the need to change from live, virtual or hybrid?
Contracts are a hot button these days, and AV is no exception. If your live event production has to change to hybrid or virtual, ideally, your AV partner should still be able to provide the solutions you need. But if not, what will be the changes in your contract?

2. Technology Event RFP Questions
What virtual solutions do you have in place?
Even if you’re not anticipating a virtual component, you should know they can support these needs if they arise. Do they have their own virtual event platform, offer virtual production, and handle virtual logistics?
How are you leveraging technology to ensure event success?
Technology advancement in our industry is moving at the speed of light. They should have solutions for you to utilize to make planning and execution easier. For example, our Presentation Management Portal serves as a live, hybrid, or virtual speaker ready room, so if the event format needs to shift, we can shift with it. Know which creative solutions the AV provider can put in place.
3. Execution Event RFP Questions
What is your experience with live, hybrid, and virtual events?
You should feel comfortable about the experience level of your provider in all event formats, and that they have a qualified team in place to make sure your event is successful no matter what happens. When you ask for references, ask for live, hybrid, and virtual clients.
What other value or benefit do you bring in executing my event?
What you’re really looking for here is how your provider is going to be a partner. Are they looking for creative solutions? Are they trying to save you money? How can they provide peace of mind throughout the planning and execution process?
The Best Request for Proposal Covers All Contingencies
Events should be strategically planned to handle anything that may happen. We solve this concern through our unique proprietary parallel planning technology that let's us seamlessly switch meeting formats. You'll know your meeting is not only safe, but optimized for success. Learn more about parallel planning as an invaluable strategic approach.
Also review our article about 3 things your AV RFP might be missing and ensure you have all the choices you need with these RFP tips.