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How to Prepare Your Audience for a Virtual Event

Your audience decides how successful your event is – are you giving them the tools and information they need to effectively view your virtual event? We outline some of our recommendations for preparing your attendees for your upcoming virtual event.

Before the event:

  • Start your email campaign to registered attendees early! Work with your virtual platform provider to generate a list of common FAQs, which should include:
    • General site navigation and capabilities
    • Information on preferred browsers and applications needed, like Zoom
    • Let attendees know when and how they can access on demand recordings 
    • Forgotten password steps
    • Who to reach for registration questions, technical questions, etc.
  • Share some content in advance to generate interest for keynotes or sessions hosted by top sponsors
  • Communicate platform features, especially around engagement tools like attendee profiles, private chats, Q&A sessions, and video calls with exhibitors
  • Open the platform a day or two early. Your attendees can play around in the site, get their questions answered, and ease some of the fire drills on the opening day. It’s also a great opportunity to encourage attendees to visit exhibitors.
  • Train your staff on how to handle common issues within the platform

During the event:

  • Designated staff members should monitor chats to proactively identify any audience members having issues

After the event:

  • In your follow up survey, include questions about the ease of use of the virtual platform, from the intuitive navigation to the responsiveness of the support team. If there are any repeat themes, make the appropriate changes for your next event.


Our Denver-based support team is here to help you execute your event flawlessly, with hands-on support before, during and after your conference. Contact us for a full demo of our customizable Virtual Experience Platform.