How To Choose An AV Provider - Denver, CO - Tips for Meeting Planners - ImageAV

Five Things To Do When Choosing an AV Company

Great meetings are born from great ideas, engagement, and an AV partner! Here’s five things to do as you choose your production partner for your upcoming meeting:

1. Research

In the initial planning stages, ask colleagues and contemporaries for their recommendations, but also do your own Internet research. Check out online reviews and customer testimonials to see what other event organizers had to say about the individual companies you’re considering. Facebook reviews can also be helpful. Often you can narrow your list of potential live event production companies with a few minutes of research and recommendations.

2. Call references

Once you’ve done your preliminary research, it’s time to dig in deeper. As a potential client, an audio visual company should have no problem sending you a list of previous clients. Take the time to reach out and get feedback from these customers on what to expect when it comes to working with the company. Ask important questions, like if there were a lot of additional fees piled on in the end or if preventable errors occurred during events. These third parties can give you honest and valuable feedback.

3. Review services offered

You should understand what each AV company has to offer when it comes to their services and equipment. Early on, establish what their complete av service offerings include. You’ll need to know if they outsource certain elements or if they can provide everything for you in-house. Plus, a good account representative will know of new technology you may have not considered but could really add an extra wow factor to your event. Do you need live streaming? On-Demand webcasting? Blended wide-screen projection? Your event is your brand, make it unique!

4. Ask questions

If there are any technical terms, equipment needs, or anything you’re not familiar with, turn to your account representative. You will never be faulted for asking questions or needing clarification and it will help avoid assumptions and issues later. A reputable AV company will understand not everyone is comfortable understanding technical jargon. Have them explain whatever you don’t fully understand in layman’s terms.

5. Pick a company you can trust

You’ve done your research, but don’t forget to trust your instincts as well! If the person you’re dealing with is professional, efficient and trustworthy, it’s likely indicative of the culture of that company. Once you trust a good AV supplier you can rely on their creative ideas and solutions to augment your event design, which results in a successful, stress-free event for you!


Image Audiovisuals is a nationwide production partner for live, hybrid, and virtual events. We strive to be a partner in solving problems, reducing your stress, and having some fun along the way!

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